Awakening With Spring

At this writing, we are just a few weeks away from the spring equinox. Now, perhaps more than at any other time of year, we may notice a awakening happening within. We may have set intentions for ourselves during the short, gray days of winter. Some (or all) of these goals may have lain dormant during the winter months, but something magical happens as we see the first green signs of rebirth in the nature around us. We become encouraged and invigorated by the increase in warmth and light and we find new energy to inject action into our intentions.
This renewed vivacity is felt here at the Healer Within Foundation, too. We are busy with Tai Chi Easy™ Practice Leader training events happening across the US and our first European training this June in Northern Ireland! We are also constantly working to improve the reach of the Tai Chi Easy™ Dissemination Project as we continue training thousands to improve the health of millions. Your help in these endeavors is needed and appreciated. We’ve outlined many ways you can get involved in supporting the mission of the Healer Within Foundation below.
So, as we shake off winter and allow spring to motivate and inspire us, consider: If winter held sickness, let the fresh air and sunlight of spring help to restore your health; If winter brought loss, let the new life and awakenings around you bring you hope; If winter was a season of silence, be aware of the returning song birds bringing music to each dawn. Allow spring to help awaken a rebirth - and the Healer Within - in you!
Be well, Your friends at the Healer Within Foundation
March 5th Saturday
Our next 5th Saturday Gathering on the cloud will be March 31, 2018. Cloud Gatherings begin at noon PST/3:00 pm EST and last for approximately 90 minutes. All are welcome, but space is limited!
Our program this month will focus on Medical Qigong versus Therapeutic Qigong and will hosted by HWF President Josie Weaver with guest, Andrew Ogden.
Mark your calendar for other 2018 gatherings: June 30, 2018 - Scientific Research on Tai Chi Easy™ September 29, 2018 - Emotional Health and the Practice of Qigong and Tai Chi December 29, 2018 - Qi and Tea Ceremony: Renewal and Recommitment
If you haven't already, please sign up now to RSVP for this special series of Zoom* meetings to make friends, get support, and stay in touch with others who lead practice and care about health and wellness! Secure your spot on the cloud today!
*access by computer with video or by phone
Make Your Voice Heard for Integrative Health
Call Now to Urge Congress to Advance Whole-Person Integrative Healthcare!
The Integrative Health Policy Consortium and other groups working to advance integrative healthcare in the US are asking for help. Please consider calling your Representative to join the new bipartisan Congressional effort and attend a Congressional Briefing on March 15, 2018.
This briefing, only a few weeks away, will provide legislators and other policy and regulatory officials opportunity to understand how shifting focus in healthcare to prevention, health and health promotion can create cost savings while improving health outcomes for Americans.
Click HERE to lookup your Representative's contact information and for suggested talking points.
Welcome New Tai Chi Easy™ Practice Leaders
So far in 2018, we have welcomed 47 new TCE Practice Leaders! Pictures of all these shiny new HWF family members and their awesome trainers are available in our Flickr albums.

Easy Assist!
Trainers, Teachers and Practice Leaders, did you know you can assist at most every Tai Chi Easy™ Practice Leader training event? Yes, you can! Assisting is a great way to learn from other trainers and leaders and to brush up on your technique and practice.
Simply send an email to HWF and let us know which training you are interested in. Then, submit your Event Assisting Inquiry Form to the Trainer Qualification Team (TQT). Contact TQT at [email protected]. TQT will then be in touch with your events' Senior Trainer to share your interest.
Click HERE to see a list of current Tai Chi Easy Practice Leader trainings.
Volunteer Spotlight: Cynthia Maez & Andrew Ogden
Last November we gathered in Santa Barbara to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Community Practice Group there and to thank their volunteer leader of the past 20+ years, Dennis Furuike. After so many years of (almost perfect) attendance leading the group each Wednesday morning, Dennis decided he would like to "retire" his position. So, we began looking for dependable and caring volunteer leaders who would continue to nurture and grow this long-standing community group.
Enter Cynthia Maez and Andrew Ogden.
Cynthia has been a lifelong proponent of holistic fitness and health both professio nally and socially. She works as a Registered Dental Assistant, has taught in schools and, through educational programs (e.g., tobacco use prevention, dental awareness) in community centers and offices throughout the central coast, helped children and youth become more aware of themselves and their responsibility for maintaining their own health. During her 28 years of practicing Buddhism, she has been closely involved with her Center’s youth and women’s activities as well as other youth leadership activities at the Franklin Neighborhood Center. Cynthia also promotes wellness through nutrition, especially integrating juicing into a healthy diet. As a new Tai Chi Easy™ practice leader, she is enthusiastic about joining a community committed to cultivating health and vitality through regular Tai Chi and Qigong practice.
Andrew is a native of Ojai, California, where he currently resides. Since he was a teenager, he has been interested in various world religions and cultures. Having been a student of meditation, yoga, and energy work since 2003, he more recently formalized his education by becoming certified as a 200-Hr Qigong & Tai Chi instructor through the Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi in Santa Barbara, CA. He is also a massage therapist, certified as a 1000-Hr Holistic Health Practitioner from Santa Barbara Body Therapy Institute, where he completed an additional 200-Hr Medical Qigong program. An avid photographer and traveler, he values nature and seeks always the authentic experience. He holds workshops, public and private classes, and bodywork in the Ojai, Ventura County and Santa Barbara area.
Our thanks to both of these amazing volunteers as they begin a new chapter of community practice in Santa Barbara. If life finds you in the area on any given Wednesday at 10:30 am, join Andrew or Cynthia (and maybe even a few guest leaders) at the Franklin Community Center, 1136 E. Montecito Street Santa Barbara, CA. for community practice. Everyone is welcome!
Healer Within on Facebook and Flickr
Connect with Tai Chi Easy™ Practice Leaders and other members of the HWF community at our Facebook page:
For updated photos of HWF trainings and happenings, check out our Flickr photo albums at:
YOU Can Organize A Tai Chi Easy™ Training Event
There are already nearly 20 Tai Chi Easy™ Practice Leader training events scheduled for 2018, with several more currently in the approval process!
If you are Interested in organizing a Tai Chi Easy™ Practice Leader Training event in your area, Contact Christie Ward for more information and check out all the great information at the new Organize a Tai Chi Easy™ event web page. This new resource makes it even easier for YOU to plan a training event!
Click HERE for a full list of TCEPL training dates and check back often as new training opportunities are being added regularly.
Blog Article - Round Up!

We're focusing on Medical Qigong this month and we are happy to share a new article written by IIQTC Senior Trainer, Brian Trzaskos. Brian speaks to the benefits of rounded movement and how the practice of Tai Chi can play a part.
Be sure to check out the HWF Blog for some great information and join in the discussion!
List Your Community Practice Group
Do you offer a free or freewill offering practice group in your community? Contact HWF about how you can list your group on our website directory!
Also, watch for an email later this month on how you can become a part of the Healer Within Foundation Leadership Circle. This dedicated group has chosen to give back to their communities and the HWF. We'll tell you how!
Website Login Instructions - Please Read!
We'd like to invite you to explore the Healer Within Foundation website! We continue to add new content, most recently launching the HWF Blog, which we hope you will read and add your comments, too.
To login, you will first need to set up your password. Click here to update your Password. Once updated, you can login here, using your Username - - and new Password.
While you are logged in, please complete your profile (it is searchable to help other HWF community members find you)! Logging in allows you to make a donation securely, see our community member-only content such as the files on the Organize an Event page and to sign up for events such as the Gathering in the Cloud meetings.